Acreditação ISO 9001:2008
A Translation Central tem o orgulho de anunciar que foi recentemente certificada com o prestigiado ISO9001:2008.
A auditoria da Translation Central foi realizada a fim de confirmar o seguinte::
- O sistema de gerenciamento da Translation Central está de acordo com as exigências estritas do ISO9001:2008
- A Translation Central implementou o seu sistema de gestão de forma eficaz
- O sistema de gestão da Translation Central é plenamente capaz de alcançar os objectivos de qualidade estabelecidos pelo British Accreditation Bureau (número de matrícula, 180624), que realizou a auditoria.
I am the creator and host of a radio show entailed The J-Pop Exchange which airs on WVCR 88.3 FM in the US. I have been using Translation Central for nearly all my Translation needs (and would use them for all my needs if I could). I keep coming back to them because of the very high quality translations that I receive along with their professional and efficient service. I believe that I owe a significant portion of my success to Translation Central's efforts in breaking down language barriers. Thanks to their translation expertise, many well respected Japanese composers and artists (Michiru Oshima, Yusaku Kiyama, Shinji Miyazaki, Kokia, Kenji Kawai, Kazunori Maruyama, and more) all consented to exclusive interviews with me for my radio program. Thank you so much! I hope the level of quality and service from Translation Central never change!
Sean Robbins, Loudonville, Nueva York - USA